
Supplements and Complementary Medicine

  • Dimethylglycine is an unusual supplement, in that it is extremely popular despite the fact that all of its touted effects have largely been disproven by clinical and laboratory testing. It is…

  • Herbal remedies made from the echinacea plant are very popular and used to support the immune system.It is advisable to use a blend of echinacea, containing E. purpurea herb and E.…

  • The herb ephedra, known in Chinese medicine as Ma Huang, comes from the plant species Ephedra sinica and Ephedra equisetina. The active ingredients in herbal ephedra are bronchodilating…

  • Products available include: Coatex, Omegaderm, Superdog Omega 3:6:9, Efavet, Yumega, Viacutan etc. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are "essential" because the body cannot make them, so…

  • Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) has been used for centuries for the treatment of conjunctivitis and mild eye irritation in people, hence the name. It has mild antimicrobial (antiseptic),…

  • Fish oils are derived from coldwater fish, mainly menhaden, salmon and trout. Cod stocks are reducing, so the age-old "cod liver oil" should be avoided where possible..These oils are…

  • Also called linseed oil, flax seed oil is derived from the seeds of the flax plant and has been proposed as a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to fish oil supplements. It is a more…

  • Flower essence therapy or flower therapy was developed by a human doctor, Edward Bach, during the 1930s. During his years in practice Dr. Bach developed the belief that people could be grouped…

  • Ginger is a well-known tropical herb whose root is used in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Herbal Medicine. The fresh root may be used, or it may be prepared as a tincture,…

  • Ginkgo is an herbal remedy made from the leaf of the ginkgo tree, Ginkgo biloba, which is one of the oldest species of tree in the world. While the ginkgo nut is used in Chinese medicine in…

Brunswick Place Veterinary Clinic

Brunswick Place Veterinary Clinic is a trading name of CVS (UK) Limited; a company which owns over 500 veterinary practices and is registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 03777473. Registered office: CVS House, Owen Road, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4ER.

Location Hours
Monday8:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesday8:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday8:00am – 7:00pm
Thursday8:00am – 7:00pm
Friday8:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday9:00am – 12:00pm

*Consulting Times: 9am-6:50pm M-F
From 7pm for any out of hour emergency please contact our out of hours provider: Vets Now Winchester, SO24 9BH Telephone: 01962 807565

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