Amphibian - Which you should choose as a beginner
The wide range of amphibians might make it difficult to decide which one to start with but some are easy to keep while others are more fragile with very precise environmental needs or have a voracious appetite and aggressive nature! Remember that if amphibian are being kept in outside enclosures or greenhouses then it is imperative to prevent escape; not only for the sake of the animals, but because it is illegal to release non-indigenous species.
Fire-bellied toads
Fire-bellied toads are bright attractive and interesting amphibians. The common fire-bellied toad (Bombina bomina) is an Asian species with a green and black back and, an underside of grey or black marked with red or orange spots. The oriental fire-bellied toad (Bombina orientalis) is similar but a bit larger (around three inches long) with a brighter red belly. These species can be kept in a vivarium at the sort of temperature maintained in a centrally heated house.
Common frogs
The European tree frog (Hyla arborea) is another good species to keep in an inside vivarium. As the name suggests this frog is arboreal (tree-dwelling) and so likes a tall vivarium with plenty of plants to climb. The green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) is from the United States and is larger and less hardy than its European cousin, needing a warmer environment.
The Leopard frog (Rana pipiens) is an attractive, if not highly colourful frog from North America which would do well inside or outdoors.
Another North American amphibian that is interesting to keep is the Bullfrog (Rana catesbiena) which can grow to eight inches long. They generally do well outside in summer but need to be hibernated in winter. They have huge appetites and are happy to devour any smaller amphibians you are foolish enough to house with them!
Horned frogs and clawed toads
Horned toad (Ceratophrys species) are South American land-dwellers. They are large attractive amphibians but are aggressive enough to attack and eat others of their own species if kept together. They are not suitable for beginners.
The African clawed toad (Xenopus laevis) is entirely aquatic and should be kept in an aquarium, but one with a filtration system and supplementary heating during winter. They can be fed on meat in which case be sure to add adequate minerals and vitamins. It may be sensible to transfer them to another tank or bowl for feeding so the main aquarium doesn't become so quickly contaminated
Tropical frogs
White's tree frog (Litoria caerula) is a beautiful species from Australia and New Guinea, thus require a tropical vivarium between 25°C and 30°C with high humidity. If these conditions can be maintained then this is a good species to start with.
Red-eyed tree frogs have similar keeping requirements and are also good species for the beginner.
The same can be said for poison arrow frogs (Dendrobates species). Their toxins derive from the indigenous plants. Therefore in captivity they do not build up these toxins. Nonetheless they are small and fragile and should only be maintained by experienced keepers.
The axolotl
A fascinating species from a biological as well as a visual perspective is the Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). It even breeds as a larval form and can grow to nine or ten inches long. If iodine is added to the water then it will metamorphose into a salamander (the adult form) which is usually not to be desired. It should be kept in filtered and well oxygenated water but does not need heating in winter if in a centrally heated house. They are voracious feeders on meat and invertebrates. If a loose stony substrate is used then they may ingest these along with their food during a feeding frenzy. Occasionally fish may be added as a food source. Beside the dubious legality of using a live vertebrate food, it is important to screen these for disease first as some fish parasites will affect axolotl.
Fire Salamanders (Salamandra salamandra)
These beautiful salamanders are extremely hard to keep in captivity. They also possess a toxic saliva making them inappropriate for beginners.
In conclusion
Whichever amphibian you want do not just go out and buy one or a pair without first thinking about the environment necessary. The vivarium should be established before the animals arrive. Far too many amphibians fare very poorly in captivity because their captive environment does not meet their requirements. Given a little thought and attention amphibians can be fascinating to keep. They amply repay the time and effort you spend making sure they are housed correctly.
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